Satisfaction Guarantee

We hope you are enjoying your new Product and it is "doing the job" and living up to your expectations.

Satisfaction guarantee
At The HAMPTON MOWRPOWER your satisfaction with the product you have purchased from us is important. As such we offer you, as a customer, a HAMPTON MOWERPOWER Product Satisfaction Guarantee. The Product satisfaction guarantee we offer, is not a money back guarantee, but instead an opportunity for you to change the product you purchased with the view to BETTER satisfy your individual needs.
This process works in the following way.
Within 30 days and after you have gained (specific) experience from using the product you have purchased, you may decide that another model (with different features you were shown at the HAMPTON MOWERPOWER) would be more appropriate. If this is the case, you can return your product to us and simply pay the difference between the two purchase prices. Therefore if you wish to upgrade your ride on mower, (or even discuss your experience with your New Product with one of our friendly consultants), please email us on HAMPTONMOWERPOWER@GMAIL.COM  and "state" 30 day product satisfaction discussion requested!

We look forward to assisting you throughout the life of the product you have purchased from us, and once again thank you for choosing the HAMPTON MOWERPOWER to assist you with the purchase of your new product.

Refund Policy

Consumers and retailers both have rights and obligations. These are outlined on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) website.

There are laws regarding refunds and at The RedShed we abide a 100% by them.

We do understand that from time to time situations arise and customers may change their mind about their purchase. We will consider these situations on a case by case basis and a decision will be made at the company’s discretion. Any costs incurred by our company as a result of the refund may be passed on to the consumer. A request for refund must be put in writing and emailed to HAMPTONMOWERPOWER@GMAIL.COM